
Well why use tables you might say, but do you realise when you see (or rather don't see) a table. If you want text by the side of an image or maybe tabulated text or just text in colomns then use a table.

<TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Well why use tables you might say, but do you realise
when you see (or rather don't see) a table.</FONT></TD>

<TD><FONT SIZE=+1>If you want text by the side of an image or maybe tabulated
text or just text in colomns then use a table.</FONT></TD>

So what your looking at is a table with 0 border so although its there you don't see it obviously if you like seeing tables you give this a thickness and everyone will know it's in a table.

You can also have background images using BACKGROUND="RAINBOW1.GIF" as in
Make sure you can read any text on top of your image. Also if you changed the font color to suit your image make sure you have a background color that allows you to read it if the image doesn't load. The back ground image doesn't show on the kindle.
HOME  Hear we have an Image one side and text the other, both left justified, default 
This is right justified text and Image
Email Us
Here is some center justified
Always have at least a space in each cell if you have a border thickness unless you want to have it filled in like the one on the left.
  The one to right has a space. 
This is the same Table without the background image
HOME  Hear we have an Image one side and text the other, both left justified, default 
This is right justified text and Image
Email Us
Here is some center justified
Always have at least a space in each cell if you have a border thickness unless you want to have it filled in like the one on the left.
  The one to right has a space. 

<BR>&lt;TD>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>Well why use tables you might say, but do you
<BR>when you see (or rather don't see) a table.&lt;/FONT>&lt;/TD>

<P>&lt;TD>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>If you want text by the side of an image or
maybe tabulated
<BR>text or just text in colomns then use a table.&lt;/FONT>&lt;/TD>
<BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE=+1>So what your looking at is a table with 0 border
so although its there you don't see it obviously if you like seeing tables
you give this a thickness and everyone will know it's in a table.</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT>&nbsp;
<BR><FONT SIZE=+1></FONT>&nbsp;
<TD><A HREF="index.htm"><IMG SRC="but_home.gif" ALT="HOME" TITLE="HOME" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=128></A></TD>

<TD>&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=+1>here we have an Image one side and text the other,
both left justified, default&nbsp;</FONT></TD>

<DIV ALIGN=right><FONT SIZE=+1>This is right justified text and Image</FONT></DIV>

<DIV ALIGN=right><IMG SRC="but_htm.gif" ALT="HOME" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=128></DIV>

<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC="but_eml.gif" ALT="Email Us" TITLE="Email Us" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=128></A></CENTER>

<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1>Here is some center justified</FONT></CENTER>


<TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Always have at least a space in each cell if you have
a border thickness unless you want to have it filled in like the one on
the left.</FONT></TD>
    As far as I know there is no limit to the number of rows or colomns you can have, you can even have a table with a table if you want to split a cell up. Enjoy! Here's an example one showing the border and the other not, it's a great way of getting text to stay where you want it.




Source Code

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
   <meta name="Author" content="nik">
   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.8 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) [Netscape]">
   <meta name="Description" content="How to use and create tables whether seen or unseen in web pages">
   <meta name="KeyWords" content="htm,html,web,www,internet,edit,tables,row,column">
   <title>HTML TABLES</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" >
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFF99" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000">

<font size=+4>Tables</font></h1></center>

<center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=10 COLS=2 WIDTH="70%" >
<td><font size=+1>Well why use tables you might say, but do you realise
when you see (or rather don't see) a table.</font></td>

<td><font size=+1>If you want text by the side of an image or maybe tabulated
text or just text in colomns then use a table.</font></td>
<font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&nbsp;&lt;CENTER>&lt;TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=10 COLS=2
WIDTH="70%" ></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TD>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>Well why use tables you might
say, but do you realise</font>
<br><font size=+1>when you see (or rather don't see) a table.&lt;/FONT>&lt;/TD></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TD>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>If you want text by the side of
an image or maybe tabulated</font>
<br><font size=+1>text or just text in colomns then use a table.&lt;/FONT>&lt;/TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TABLE>&lt;/CENTER></font></blockquote>

<blockquote><font size=+1>So what your looking at is a table with 0 border
so although its there you don't see it obviously if you like seeing tables
you give this a thickness and everyone will know it's in a table.</font>
<br><font size=+1></font>&nbsp;<font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>You can also have background images using BACKGROUND="RAINBOW1.GIF"
as in</font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;table BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 COLS=2 WIDTH="80%" BACKGROUND="RAINBOW1.GIF"
<br><b><font size=+1>Make sure you can read any text on top of your image.
Also if you changed the font color to suit your image make sure you have
a background color that allows you to read it if the image doesn't load.
The back ground image doesn't show on the kindle.</font></b>
<table BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 COLS=2 WIDTH="80%" BACKGROUND="rainbow1.gif" >
<td BGCOLOR="#66FF99"><a href="#startup"><img SRC="but_home.gif" ALT="HOME" BORDER=0 <title="HOME" ></a></td>

<td><font size=+1>&nbsp;Hear we have an Image one side and text the other,
both left justified, default&nbsp;</font></td>

<div align=right><font size=+1>This is right justified text and Image</font></div>

<div align=right><a href="#startup"><img SRC="but_htm.gif" ALT="HOME" BORDER=0 <title="HOME" ></a></div>

<center><a href=""><img SRC="but_eml.gif" ALT="Email Us" BORDER=0 <title="HOME" height=32 width=128></a></center>

<center><font size=+1>Here is some center justified</font></center>

<td BGCOLOR="#FF6666"><font size=+1></font></td>

<td><font size=+1>Always have at least a space in each cell if you have
a border thickness unless you want to have it filled in like the one on
the left.</font></td>

<td><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></td>

<td><font size=+1>The one to right has a space.&nbsp;</font></td>
<mbp:pagebreak/><font size=+1>This is the same Table without the background
<br><font size=+1></font>&nbsp;
<td BGCOLOR="#66FF99"><a href="#startup"><img SRC="but_home.gif" ALT="HOME" BORDER=0 <title="HOME" height=32 width=128></a></td>

<td><font size=+1>&nbsp;Hear we have an Image one side and text the other,
both left justified, default&nbsp;</font></td>

<div align=right><font size=+1>This is right justified text and Image</font></div>

<div align=right><a href="#startup"><img SRC="but_htm.gif" ALT="HOME" BORDER=0 <title="HOME" height=32 width=128></a></div>

<center><a href=""><img SRC="but_eml.gif" ALT="Email Us" BORDER=0 <title="HOME" height=32 width=128></a></center>

<center><font size=+1>Here is some center justified</font></center>

<td BGCOLOR="#FF6666"><font size=+1></font></td>

<td><font size=+1>Always have at least a space in each cell if you have
a border thickness unless you want to have it filled in like the one on
the left.</font></td>

<td><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></td>

<td><font size=+1>The one to right has a space.&nbsp;</font></td>
<font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>CENTER>&amp;lt;TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=10 COLS=2 WIDTH="70%"
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&amp;lt;TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&amp;lt;TD>&amp;lt;FONT SIZE=+1>Well why use tables
you might say, but do you</font>
<br><font size=+1>realise</font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>when you see (or rather don't see) a table.&amp;lt;/FONT>&amp;lt;/TD></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;P>&amp;lt;TD>&amp;lt;FONT SIZE=+1>If you want text
by the side of an image or</font>
<br><font size=+1>maybe tabulated</font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>text or just text in colomns then use a table.&amp;lt;/FONT>&amp;lt;/TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&amp;lt;/TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&amp;lt;/TABLE>&amp;lt;/CENTER></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&amp;nbsp;</font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BLOCKQUOTE>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>So what your looking
at is a table with 0 border</font>
<br><font size=+1>so although its there you don't see it obviously if you
like seeing tables</font>
<br><font size=+1>you give this a thickness and everyone will know it's
in a table.&lt;/FONT></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>&lt;/FONT>&amp;nbsp;</font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;BR>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>&lt;/FONT>&amp;nbsp;</font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TABLE BORDER=3 COLS=2 WIDTH="80%" ></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TD>&lt;A HREF="index.htm">&lt;IMG SRC="but_home.gif"
ALT="HOME" TITLE="HOME" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=128>&lt;/A>&lt;/TD></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TD>&amp;nbsp;&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>here we have an Image
one side and text the other,</font>
<br><font size=+1>both left justified, default&amp;nbsp;&lt;/FONT>&lt;/TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TR></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;DIV ALIGN=right>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>This is right justified
text and Image&lt;/FONT>&lt;/DIV></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TD></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;DIV ALIGN=right>&lt;IMG SRC="but_htm.gif" ALT="HOME"
BORDER=0 HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=128>&lt;/DIV></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TR></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;CENTER>&lt;A HREF="">&lt;IMG
SRC="but_eml.gif" ALT="Email Us" TITLE="Email Us" BORDER=0 HEIGHT=32 WIDTH=128>&lt;/A>&lt;/CENTER></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TD></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;CENTER>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>Here is some center justified&lt;/FONT>&lt;/CENTER></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TR></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;TD>&lt;/TD></font><font size=+1></font>
<p><font size=+1>&lt;TD>&lt;FONT SIZE=+1>Always have at least a space in
each cell if you have</font>
<br><font size=+1>a border thickness unless you want to have it filled
in like the one on</font>
<br><font size=+1>the left.&lt;/FONT>&lt;/TD></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TR></font>
<br><font size=+1>&lt;/TABLE></font>
<br><font size=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; As far as I know there is no limit
to the number of rows or colomns you can have, you can even have a table
with a table if you want to split a cell up. Enjoy! Here's an example one
showing the border and the other not, it's a great way of getting text
to stay where you want it.</font>
<br><font size=+1></font>&nbsp;
<br><font size=+1></font>&nbsp;
<center><table BORDER=5 WIDTH="60%" >
<td><font size=+1>&nbsp;WOW&nbsp;</font></td>

<td><font size=+1></font>
<center><table BORDER COLS=3 WIDTH="100%" >
<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>North</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>West</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>East</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>South</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>
<font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></td>
<font size=+1></font>
<br><font size=+1></font>&nbsp;
<center><table BORDER=0 WIDTH="60%" >
<td><font size=+1>&nbsp;WOW&nbsp;</font></td>

<td><font size=+1></font>
<center><table BORDER=0 COLS=3 WIDTH="100%" >
<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>North</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>West</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>East</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>South</font></center>

<center><font size=+1>&nbsp;</font></center>

<p><a href="index.htm"><img SRC="but_home.gif" ALT="Home" BORDER=0 title="Home" height=32 width=128></a></center>

